Persephone dropped me a note the other day informing me of her Dia de los Muertos Hunt, and I'm passing it on to whomever drops by to read this:
The Dia de los Muertos Hunt is on!
Persephone's Grove is celebrating Samhain and Dia de los Muertos with a hunt! Search all the parcels of Persephone's Grove and the Merry Meet for 25 skulls full of prizes from the merchants here -- buy for 0L and get the goodies inside!
Hunt ends November 10th, so hurry over before the prizes vanish back beyond the veil!
Click here to start digging for those skulls!
Dia de los Muertos Hunt!
Freebs: The Fourteenth Round

Freebs: The Thirteenth Round
Christmas has decided to, well, ban Christmas for now in favor of Halloween (Nightmare Before Christmas, anyone?) and I managed to see a few things that interested me.
There is a pumpkin swing with four poses suspended high in the air, which made for a minutes worth of amusement, and spinning pumpkins on the left snowbank behind some of the stores.
But! I also found a free Halloween skybox at Boddhisattva.

And what I can only assume (since I didn't really buy it) is a collection of art at Rujimeal.


Freebs: The Twelfth Round
Vain Inc announced a grid-wide Ghost Busters hunt, which will run from the 24th of October til the 31st, so you better move quickly....starting with this link right here.

Freebs: The Eleventh Round
Double Standards Trivia and Mall has a hunt going on.
SG5 Designs has a free Halloween shirt on the left of the landing point.
More later!
Freebs: The Tenth Round

Rambled by Edward Seetan at 1:49 AM 0 Replies
Labels: freebies, midnight mania
Freebs: The Ninth Round

Freebs: The Eighth Round

Rambled by Edward Seetan at 8:51 PM 0 Replies
Labels: freebies, lucky chair, lucky fortunes, pants
Freebs: The Seventh Round

Freebs: The Sixth Round
Drop by Rocker's Wear and snag a shirt, jacket, shorts, and two pairs of pants for 10L a pop. And yes, cheapies for the ladies too.

Freebs: The Fifth Round

Freebs: The Fourth Round

Freebs: The Third Round

Head over to sey and join the group (click the sey pic on the back wall there) and get this Halloween hat and glove set.

Join the Savvy Avvy Subscribe-O-Matic and snag a free cardigan and some other stuff in the History.

Freebs: The Second Round
Freebs: The First Round
So, I sat here thinking about what I could use at first, then decided, out of laziness if nothing else, to use the freebies I informed the Hey Girlfriend! group about (I'm the resident guy-about-freebies, it seems). Let's get to it:

Now, I know you can find these Engineer Boots everywhere, but I chose to get them at Shoe Store Elan in Okinawa, and it comes with the Atuzoko Boots, which are for women, obviously, but hey...if you ever feel the need to drag it up, you'll be ready. (Not that I've ever done that.)

Over at Temenos Place in Temenos, you can find two pairs of boots and a neko eyepatch geared toward both sexes.

At Maschienenwerk on Buffett Island (which had me singing Cheeseburger in Paradise for some reason) you can find skins, shapes, jeans, shirts, hair, and glasses geared toward both sexes once again. There's even some camping spots for some skins, although I admit there wasn't much skin and shape wise I needed, so I snagged two pairs of geeky looking glasses from the first floor, then headed upstairs and grabbed the James Dean pants, a pair of pants called Klang (Uewebawo over at Hey Girlfriend! came to mind), and a Steve McQueen shirt, then decided to jet off to my next location.

For now, I'm going to wrap this up.
Plunging In
Hello there, readers!
My name is Edward (or Death, as my name on Second Life dictates) and I've decided to make yet another blog on the few men's freebies and cheapies out there in SL.
Right now, however, I feel a need for some food...and thus, I am darting out to do just that.
I'll toss something on here when I get back.